Sundays are for Snuggling

I have to admit, it is cold here in Texas and although I am an Ohio girl, I am not a fan of getting out in the cold. So…. today is an inside day snuggling with our youngest who is always up for hanging with her mama!

This adorable long sleeve t-shirt is perfect for a day home relaxing. I have it on with a pair of yoga pants because lets be honest… what’s better than a soft comfy pair of yoga pants!

This cute t-shirt is less than $9.00!!

Amazon for the WIN!!

I am in love with this Black and Cream Women’s Plaid Flannel Long Sleeve Shirt I got on Amazon.

I thought I would share one of my favorite Amazon finds. This soft flannel goes with just about anything. I love a shirt you can mix and match. I think my family is sick of seeing me in it but I keep finding new ways to wear it!

There are so many ways to wear this shirt…it’s endless

Check out the other adorable choices of flannels it comes in….

I got a deal!

I have to share what I found, it’s just too good to keep to myself!

Cissy and I were at Walmart and I found these Camo pants for $3.00. $3.00! I grabbed them and got a casual white long sleeve tee for less then $10.00 to wear with them. The best part, I can wear this to work and then dress it down a bit for all the after school activities.

The tag says it all they are SUPER SOFT and $3.00!!

If you can, rush to Walmart and pick up this cute outfit!



Good Vibes Only

Today our kids went back to school after winter break. Lets just say it was about how I expected it to go….quiet. Everyone was very tired and not in the mood to start the 2nd half of their school year. My alarm went off at 5:15 and I must admit, it was pretty brutal. I figure since no one was talking they could at least feel the good vibes if I wore them. I found this cute sweatshirt last year at Target I love how soft it is and isn’t too big and bulky like some sweatshirts can be.
I hope today you find good vibes!! xoxo, Molly

My Favorite Jeans

I have a thing for Target jeans. They are the only ones that really fit me. I always try to branch out and get jeans somewhere else, but I always end up taking them back and heading to target. I am in LOVE with these gray skinny jeans. They are so soft and have just enough stretch in them. Between my black pair and these they get worn almost every day. If you do not have a pair, go out and get one…or two!!

target skinny jeans


The Sun is out

Happy Sunny Friday! It has been so cold and rainy it is great to see the sun shining this morning. I figure while the sun is out making this day a beautiful one, I would dress like the sun….bright!

When Cissy and I found this yellow flannel shirt at target, we loved it right away. The color just pops and makes you feel good. I love it with Jeans, a vest, under a sweater or just by itself. It is so soft. I got a medium in this because, well that’s all I could find and I made it work. I would prefer a small but I’m not too picky when I find a good deal….I will make it work!

sunny days

Happy 2019

Happy 2019! I am hoping this new year brings you many blessings and a heart full of joy and peace!

Cissy and I decided to head out to Target to pick up some last minute items for New Years Eve and decided to make a quick stop off in their clearance area….Well, that quick stop ended up being a huge bonus for us. We came home with 4 shirts! The great thing about Cissy getting older is that we can share some of our tops. So it’s a double bargain for us!

I found this adorable graphic t-shirt. It is perfect for a comfy day. I put it on with a pair of leggings and I was set for a day in by the fire, and just maybe I had a glass of wine or too.

drinking wine, feeling fine