Our Home – Living Room

living room (2)

Another room done. Another peaceful space! Welcome to our living room. This is the place where the kids watch their shows, where we have family movie night, and where we entertain. Our living room is connected to our kitchen which makes both the center of our home. This past summer we decided we needed more seating in the living room. We had a couch and two overstuffed chairs in there before. Obviously, that isn’t nearly enough seating for all of us. The final straw was when we had a family movie night to watch THE SHACK and we had people sitting on the floor, on kitchen chairs, and standing around. No one looked comfortable. That was when Eric and I started looking for better seating options for the living room. We knew we didn’t want to get anything brand new or super fancy because, well, 7 kids…enough said.  We were looking on facebook marketplace and found this Ethan Allen couch that someone was selling. It looked perfect for us. Eric and I headed over to look at the couch after work one afternoon and purchased it right away. EEK I was so excited. It wasn’t perfect, it had a few tiny marks on it but let’s be honest, in a house of 9 people and 2 dogs, nothing is perfect.

When you have a house full of people, pets, and noise I have found it nice to have less things. Another thing I have figured out is that with so many people in a house I don’t like real bright colors. For me more neutral colors work best in our house.  I found these super soft pillows at Tuesday morning and the price was so great ($14.99 per pillow) that I bough 9! I took 3 of our kids with us to Tuesday morning and we had tons of different pillows down on the floor in groups trying to pick the ones we liked the best and these were the winners. I use our leather ottoman for a coffee table to give a bit more texture to the room. It blends well with our two leather chairs we have next to our fireplace (I’ll share those in another post) . If you noticed I moved my Ikea dresser from the dining room back to our living room for storage. I have extra pillows, blankets, and puzzles hidden in the drawers. I would absolutely love to get a soft cozy rug for this room but we have a little dog that loves to go to the bathroom on anything soft so a rug will not be happening any time soon.


Thank you for stopping by and letting me show you part of our gathering spots in our home.




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