Recipe Wednesday


This is not only a favorite of our WHOLE family BUT one of mine since childhood. I have such great childhood memories of my mom making homemade pizza. I can remember coming home from dance class on Friday nights and the smell of homemade pizza was the first thing I could smell as I walked in the door. It reminds me of love, warmth, and family. I have been making homemade pizza since I moved out on my own.  I have tried many different dough recipes but the one I am sharing with you is one of the easiest and my all-time go to dough recipes. With so many different taste buds in our house, making individual homemade pizzas is the way to go! When I say we are having homemade pizza night the kids all yell YEAH and Eric looks at me like I am a crazy woman. I do have to admit, it does take a lot of time because I make everyone their own pizza (and most of them want seconds). But for me it’s not about the time I’m cooking it’s about the happiness, laughter, and togetherness each meal I prepare brings to our family. It fills my heart more than anything else.

My mom ( gave me a Breville Crispy Crust Pizza Maker.^52929360103-device^c-plaid^82946570743-sku^5699421-adType^PLA&gclid=CNSa2Ymwz9QCFdS4wAodkJwI5g

Before I had one I used the oven and will give directions for both. I do have to admit; my kids absolutely love the Breville Pizza Maker. They are now spoiled by it and want their pizzas prepared in it every time.

Basic Pizza Dough

Ingredients – I double the recipe since we all love homemade pizza (and you can freeze any dough you don’t use and save it for another night!)

  • 3 cups bread flour
  • 3 teaspoons dry yeast
  • 3 teaspoons sugar
  • 3 teaspoons salt
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 cup lukewarm water


  1. I use my Kitchenaid Mixer with the dough hook.
  2. Add flour, yeast, sugar, salt and olive oil to the bowl. On low speed, slowly add the water. Mix until dough forms into a ball. Do not over process.
  3. Cover and rest in a warm place for 30 minutes or until dough has doubled in size. Turn dough out on a floured surface and punch down the dough to remove excess air, lightly knead.
  4. Divide dough into fist size balls
  5. Turn on the Breville Pizza Maker to Thin Pizza setting (or oven to 425)
  6. Place dough on a piece of parchment paper that will fit the baking stone (you can use a baking sheet as well).
  7. Roll the dough out with a rolling pin on the parchment paper to the thickness you want your pizza to be.
  8. With a fork, poke holes in the dough to prevent bubbling.
  9. Put the dough in the pizza oven (or the regular oven) until it cooks a bit (4-7min). This makes for a crispier pizza.
  10. Pull the crust out of the oven, remove parchment paper so the crust is just on the stone.
  11. Cover dough with sauce, your favorite pizza cheese and any other toppings you prefer.
  12. Put back in the pizza oven (or regular oven on 350) and cook until cheese is browning and bubbling (5-15 min).
  13. Let pizza cool for a few minutes and then cut.IMG_0470 



I’m Back!!

It’s been a while and I’ve had a hard time starting back but I just couldn’t resist. There is so much to catch up on…our kids, our wedding, fashion, getaways, and bargains.

I’ve decided this was a good time to get back to my blog and long overdue.

Let me start with this…

We got married!

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Months ago, actually!!! Life has been so busy that I haven’t been able to write about it.



On October 22, 2016, in front of our closest family and friends we got married. Our children were standing by our side and I’m pretty sure they were just as excited as we were that this day had finally arrived. It wasn’t an easy journey to get there but WE DID IT.


The day we looked at our house I knew I wanted to get married in our backyard and that is exactly what we did. I took a week off work and I did all the cooking, decorating, and everything we needed to host a wedding in our backyard. It was everything we could have imagined and more.  The only way I can describe it is, it was us. It was simple, easy, romantic, and full of love.

My brother officiated the marriage and my three boys walked me up to meet Eric. Cissy actually found my dress for me. We walked right into a department store she went right over to the dress and said “I think this is the one mom”. It was meant to be. It was the exact dress I had been looking for, it was my size, and was returned just minutes before we found it. And to top it off, it was on sale for $40.00. Talk about meant to be! I never thought I’d be going wedding dress shopping with my daughter for myself….. What a special memory Cissy and I will have forever.

You know our life, things just don’t work out “perfect”. When we picked our wedding date out, the most important thing was that all the kids could be there. 10/22 was the only day that all of them were in town. The sad news is, that weekend is my ex’s weekend with the kids. I asked him if we could change weekends, he said no. I asked him if I could have the kids for a few hours. He said no. A few days later he changed his mind and said I could have them for 4 hour… nice of him. I had to make arrangements to have the kids picked up and dropped back off because well, nothing is easy in a divorce. My precious mom helped me with the kids. (wait till you hear what happened when the kids went back to their dad’s that night ☹ that in a completely different post).

The weather was perfect, the day was beautiful and relaxing. The girls and I got ready together and I did their hair. One of my girlfriends came over early to help with last minute things and my mom bought us our sweet little cake and cupcakes as well as helping me with my kids.

What an amazing night….I walked out to the song My Best Friend by Tim McGraw. We said our vows at our own home, with our own words, surrounded by the love of all of our family and friends.


When you get married the first time it is like a big production. Everything has to be perfect, the food, the guests, the location, the music….everything. This time was so different for me. This was all about LOVE. It was about celebrating us, our kids and to celebrate our friends and family. Eric and I both have family and friends that stood by us, loved us even if they didn’t understand divorce, they loved us anyways. This night was for ALL OF US.