Recipe Wednesday

It is SO important to me to have a home cooked meal for my family every night. I remember when I was a child my mom cooked EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. It was one of her ways she showed us she love us. I take after my mom in that way….to me, food is a way of showing love and a gift I can give them daily.

I always try to find meals that can be cooked and then reheated throughout the evening. When all the kids have different activities at night, it’s not often that all 9 of us are home at the same time having dinner.

I try to plan my menu over the weekend so I can be prepared for the busy week ahead. PLUS I have one that asks me ALL.THE.TIME  “What’s for dinner”. So I wanted to be prepared with an answer for him.

The recipe I am sharing today is one that I absolutely love! I make two different pans of it, one with meat and one without….because not everyone in our family likes meat. I also add bread sticks and a salad to go along with this meal.


Pasta Bake:

1 box Fusilli Pasta (or pasta of your choice)

1  jar pasta sauce

1 8 oz sour cream

2 cups Italian cheese blend

1 cup Parmesan Cheese

1 lb ground beef




Preheat oven to 350 degrees

Make Pasta according to box, drain and set aside. Cook ground beef until browned, drain grease. Add in 1 jar of pasta sauce, salt and pepper and cooked noodles, mix together. In a 9×13 pan, put a layer of the noodle mixture, then a thin layer of sour cream, a layer of Italian cheese blend, and repeat. On the top layer sprinkle Parmesan cheese.  Cook for 25 minutes.




One thought on “Recipe Wednesday

  1. Girl, I didn’t know you had a blog!! You go! Awesome. Don’t know how you have the time…?! You have a new subscriber, and recipe tryer!
    I have one as well, but am to the point now of getting it updated only every few months. ;(


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