Happy Birthday

Happy 17th Birthday to Maci


This girl right here is something special. She has a face like a china doll, and a quiet soul that makes her stand out from the others. Her love for knowledge and animals is more than some will ever have in their lifetime.

I love listening to her speak. When you look at her you see a teenager but when she speaks it’s as if you are talking to someone so wise beyond their years. Her love for learning, politics, and animals is what sets her apart from others. She sets such high expectations and goals for herself….it is something amazing to witness.

One of my favorite things to do with Maci is to watch political debates. I love how she knows everything about each candidate and she has such a strong belief in what she wants for this world.  AND I absolutely love that I can crack her up with my silly comments about each politician.

She doesn’t know this but when she leaves our home and she hugs me it is as if I feel your sweet soul and love comes pouring out of her. She knows she is smart, she knows she is going to be something amazing someday, and I truly hope she knows just how much I love being a part of her life.

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