Thrifty Thursday

My sweet Cissy Girl’s birthday falls right before school starts. I have to admit, she gets school clothes and school shoes for her birthday. Most people would say she is getting ripped off but she is still too young to realize and it’s a win for her because she loves clothes and accessories.

This year she asked to go shopping for her birthday so I gave her gift cards to use so she could pick out her own clothes.

I got her a target gift card of course and she had a ball spending it. Her brothers on the other hand were not as thrilled as she was because she  looked and looked and changed her mind and looked some more. I told them this is just a preview of what is to come when they get girlfriends and wives.

One of the outfits she got was this adorable Dress for $19.99



She loved it so much she wore it on the first day of school.


Check out her adorable shoes. I bought her those for $16.00 at #Ross

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