Recipe Wednesday

Parmesan Crusted Pork Chops

Our family loves pork chops. We eat them probably once a week. You can get such an amazing deal on them especially if they are boneless which my family prefers.

This recipe is a win win for us, pork chops and Parmesan cheese in one dish. We seriously need to take stock in Parmesan cheese, is a staple in our house. Our kids put it on everything!


4 Boneless Pork chops

1 Tbsp Olive Oil

1 Cup Parmesan cheese

1 Cup Bread Crumbs

1 tsp Italian seasoning

1 tsp Black Pepper

1tsp Garlic powder

Directions: On a plate combine the last 5 ingredients. Rub pork chops with olive oil and then dip (coat) each one in the cheese mixture. Press the mixture over the pork chops to make sure they are well covered. Place the pork chops in a plan and cook at 350 degrees for 40-45 minutes. (I double the recipe)





Along with the Pork Chops we had Cabbage Salad, another family favorite. The kids love it when I make it because IF there is any left overs they put it in their lunch the next day.

½ head of green cabbage

¼ head of red cabbage

½ cup sunflower seeds

½ cup slivered almonds

¼ cup vinegar

½ cup oil

1 chicken flavor roman noodle package

Salt and Pepper to taste


Chop both the green and red cabbage. Add sunflower seeds, slivered almonds, crumble up the noodles of the roman noodle package and put on the cabbage. Mix together the vinegar, oil, seasoning packet of roman noodle, salt, pepper, and if you like it a bit sweeter you can always add in a tiny bit of sugar. Pour dressing mixture on top of salad, toss and serve.




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