My Friday Finds

I know, I know, when you are in your 30’s you are supposed to start taking care of your skin…..well I’m about almost 12 years too late for that.

It isn’t that I didn’t want to! I’ll be honest, it wasn’t a priority to me. I had 4 little kids, I was in a hard place in my marriage which meant I was not focused on myself at all!

I tried different lotions here and there and I did always wash my face but I would just use a bar of soap.  I can see so many of you cringing while reading this! I know, it is wrong but it was easy!! Like I said, it just wasn’t a priority for me.

Well now that I am almost 42 (I can’t believe I just said that) I have started to get a little concerned. I see my friends buying all these very expensive skin products and a lot are getting Botox. I won’t lie, I can’t afford either of those BUT  I will share what I have found that I really like!!

I use a Mary Kay face wash (Mary Kay TimeWise 3-in-1 Cleanser, Combination/Oily Skin$20.00). It has little beads in it that give your face a nice little scrub. You don’t have to use much of it so it last for a few months.  It is more than I would usually spend on a face wash it is so worth it.

mary kay face wash

For my moisturizer, I use Lou Ana Coconut Oil ($3.87). I use it all over my face, my neck and my chest. I put it on after I wash my face at night and first thing in the morning. I also use it to shave my legs and put a dab in my hair every once in a while. I love it!

coconut oil



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