Some days are harder than others

Some days are harder than others. This is one of those days. I feel lost this week. Not sure we can afford a wedding, not sure I can make everything I’ve ever wished for, for our wedding work on zero budget. Trying to get a house ready, a backyard ready, planning it all, all in just 1 month. Its freaking me out a bit!

Not sure how I can do it all in this house this week. Making sure everyone has breakfast, getting the kids to school, work, cleaning, dinner, practices, games, laundry, and making everyone feel special and loved all the while drowning in my own to do list.

I think part of it is, Eric and I haven’t had any time just us. We’ve had kids non stop without a date night, our world revolves around our kids. It’s great BUT if we continue we will be right back to where we were in our past life…lost and disconnected. We have so much love for one another but with 7 kids, so many activities, it’s hard. I need OUR time it’s how I survive!

Is it selfish to give ourselves time to regroup? We both have terrible divorce guilt, do others?  These are questions I ask myself every single day!

I’m hoping I can get my mojo back and be the warrior I know I am!

It’s only Tuesday! I have time to turn it around…positive thought, positive mind, positive life!!

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