Thrifty Thursday

I was raised by parents that believe LOVE over MONEY. I think that is an amazing gift to give a child. LOVE and TIME spent is more important than the things you buy. In the society we live in now, kids want want want. I do get my kids things but I absolutely do not go overboard. I will not raise my child to be greedy. We share everything from a bag of microwave popcorn to clothing and shoes. I am trying hard to raise my kids the way I was raised.

Being a single mom for years really made me become even thriftier. We didn’t have any left over money for much of anything. I was careful with everything I bought. A cute little story I will share is, I asked  my kids to bring home their plastic baggies I would pack their chips and sandwiches in for lunch. I would wash them out, sit them out to dry and reuse them. My sweet middle son saw what I was doing and thought he would help me out and started asking all the kids at his lunch table if he could have their baggies and everyday he would come home with a lunch box full of baggies. I can remember standing in my kitchen crying thinking how kind hearted this little guy was. Still to this day he asks for NOTHING. He didn’t want any new clothes for school, he didn’t want a new pair of shoes and when I told him I had to buy him football cleats he first looked to see if we had an old pair from his older brother.

My sassy little Cissy pretty much only wears hand me downs. I have wonderful friends with daughters a few years older than her and they pass down their clothes to Cissy. She loves them and to her they are brand new. I just told my one girlfriend that  gave her some clothes….knowing these items came from loving homes and sweet girls wore them and they are now wrapped around my daughter warms my heart to no end.

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I do not spend a lot on myself either. I believe you need to practice what you preach. I am not one to have expensive purses, shoes, jewelry, clothes, car….anything. Like I said I was not raised that way and I am not going to change. That being said, I love to look good because when you look good you feel good! I try buying things on sale or shop at stores that have designer looks at cheaper prices. I love going on Pinterest and finding cute outfits and then looking for them at a discount price.

I found this cute outfit on Pinterest and looked in my closet to see what I had that would look just as cute.


Here is my version

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Today I have on skinny jeans from @target, T-shirt from @Old Navy, Shoes from @Ross Dress for Less, My necklaces are all from @Target. I love the layered look that everyone is doing but I just can’t afford some of the higher end pieces and targets are just as stylish

Here is a closer look at the necklaces. Love Love Love them!!

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