The day was a success!

School has started but it is still hot in Texas! The kids got home from their first day of school and swam together. They all had mixed reviews on school but I think they all loved it! Eric bought us this wonderful house so we would always have free entertainment for the kids. I think it is good bonding for them too!!


Speaking of swimming, Eric took me out and bought me a swimsuit that I just love! I had never been to an Athleta Store before. Man have I been missing out!I I absolutely love their store. I had so much fun finding a swimsuit and actually he talked me into an adorable black mini skirt too. If your needing something sporty and stylish I would definitely go there. Here is a picture of the swimsuit I got and I have attached the links as well!


e and m at beach

Here is the cute mini skirt. You could run errands in it, go to lunch with girlfriends, or even play tennis in it. It is so versatile.







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