School is Starting

Where did our summer go?!

Our kids were so blessed to have gone on lots of vacations this summer. We went as a family and stayed in a beach house for a week. Eric’s girls got to go to Oklahoma to stay with their grandma, Mexico with their mom, Colorado with their other family and Maci and her mom went to Africa for 2 weeks to help Dr.’s. My kiddos went with their dad to Arkansas and to spent time with their grandparents at Disney World and the beach. And Eric and I went to Las Vegas for a work convention.  It was such a busy summer and it went SO FAST!!

I can’t believe we are headed in to another school year 2016/17.

We will now have a Junior, Sophomore, Eighth Grader, Seventh Grader, Sixth Grader, Fifth Grader, and Forth Grader. And we will have 7 kids at 5 different schools and in 7 different sports. When I start to think about it I feel a bit anxious but I know it will take one day at a time to get our schedule organized and we will eventually have it down.

Here’s to another amazing school year!!

halls first day of school


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