He asked and I said YES!!


I always knew we would get married.  I never worried about it once. I know others had their doubts and I understand that. Sure there were times that I wondered if it would ever happened and then I would think to myself… I could never live a day without this man, HE is who I have been waiting for and I knew he felt the same way about me. If ever I had a doubt I knew it was from my own insecurities and past relationship.

We didn’t rush into anything. We dated for 2 ½ years before we moved our families in together and then a year after that we got engaged. We took our time. We love one another and knew there was no reason to rush. If we were young and it was just the two of us, I’m sure we would have been married years ago. BUT it isn’t just the two of us, there are 7 other little heart, minds, and souls we need to love and protect. There is no perfect way to do this blended family thing, all we are doing is trying our best.

Over the years I heard hundreds of times, when are you getting married? And why aren’t you married? At first it stung when I heard those questions but the majority of the time it came from people that have never been divorced so they couldn’t possibly understand  the fear and worry a divorced person has entering into a new second marriage. Let’s be honest, the statistic say 67% of second marriages end in divorce. We both know we hated going through our first divorce we wanted to be darn sure it wasn’t going to happen again!

Eric and I believe in one another but we also believe in our family. That is why it was so important to get engaged with the kids involved. One Friday evening we went to the restaurant where we had our first date and we were talking and laughing and he said to me…It’s time, let’s get married. I laughed and said ok and we went on with our evening. That next morning we got up and he said this is the day we get to pick out your ring. We kept it a secret until we could share the news with the kids.  This marriage  doesn’t just involve the two of us, we are a family of 9. Our kids were gone for a few weeks here and there this summer but we finally found a night where we all would be home together.  Eric said he had a big announcement to make…he told the kids he wanted to talk about next year’s summer vacation. All the kids came running into the room to listen. Instead of talking about a vacation he pulled the ring out of his pocket and announced to the kids we were getting married. They all were excited looked at the ring and then said…So where are we going on vacation….

We all went to dinner that night to celebrate and to send off Maci as she was leaving to go to Africa on a mission trip. Eric and I sat in the middle of the table side by side surrounded by our children. It was loud. They were all talking and laughing with one another. It was a beautiful sight.

A ring, marriage license, or bloodline does not make a family. It is the love, respect, and kindness that you have for one another that creates a family. We have all those things and for that I am so grateful to call this Party of 9 my family.

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