Happy House Anniversary

house front

We did it!!!! We made it through our first year of all 9 of us living together.  It went by so fast! It was a year of adjustments, of tears, lots of laughter and tons of noise! I have to give a BIG thanks to Eric. Without him thinking of our future and buying a home to fit all 9 of us this year never would have happened.

I always wanted a big family so I was ready for the challenge. There were times that I didn’t think I could do it. I felt as if I was failing everyone and everything I did. It took me about a year to balance friends, family, and our household. We still have a lot to learn but I am so proud of all of us.

This year has had a lot of ups and downs. There have been court dates, hospital stays, family drama, and lots and lots of juggling of schedules.  As I sit here and write I am surrounded by the laughter of the kids, 2 dogs with issues, and a man that has shown us the greatest gift of all, love and acceptance. I couldn’t ask for anything more.

Here are a few things I realized this year:

  • You can’t keep a house perfect with 9 people, it is absolutely impossible.
  • Everyone needs their own bit of space and quiet time
  • It takes time to combine two homes and two families. It doesn’t happen overnight or even in a few months, its a slow process.
  • Figuring out different personalities and hearts is extremely hard and heartbreaking but worth the time it takes.
  • Not everyone understands our family dynamic and that is OK as long as WE all get it and feel comfortable with it.
  • Find that one special “thing” that each child loves and make a point to ask about it and show interest in it. Just because there is a house full of people and crazy schedules does not mean a child needs to feel forgotten. They ALL deserve to feel special.
  • HUG, HUG, HUG. Not all kids are used to it but guess what, in time you will notice they will expect that hug that they used to be annoyed with.
  • It is hard to find the balance in parenting when two families come together… this is still a work in progress for us!
  • Cooking for 9 is a challenge. Especially when you have vegans, and picky eaters in the mix.
  • WE are all more set in my ways than we realize.
  • I need a date night. I need OUR Saturday night evening away. If I don’t get it, I feel disconnected.
  • I am a huge protector of my kids. The littlest remark about one of my kids will break my heart (I have mama bear syndrome ).
  • I am glad we chose to keep our families separate in sharing bedrooms. Kids don’t need to be pushed onto one another. The Jurneys share rooms with their siblings and the Halls do with theirs.
  • I have become more private about OUR life and I treasure that.
  • There aren’t any rules to follow when creating a blended family. You just have to do what you feel is best for everyone.
  • Love without boundaries. Love can be measured and seen in different ways.
  • Change is not easy.
  • Being a family does not always require a bloodline. Sometimes the most influential people in our lives are not blood related but rather a special gift from God.


back of house

I wont sugar coat this year with sunshine and rainbows. It was hard! I was scared, tired, and worried a lot! But it was worth every emotion I felt. I LOVE US

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