Recipe Wednesday

I know most people only like roast in the winter but our family LOVES roast and it doesn’t matter if its 100 degrees outside, they will still eat it up.

I got this recipe from a wonderful friend of mine and it is the only roast recipe I will use now because it is THAT GOOD!

Roast and Vegetables in a Crockpot

  • 2-3 lb beef roast
  • 6-8 potatoes peeled and sliced into wedges
  • 1 bag of baby carrots
  • 2 medium onions, sliced in half
  • 4  cloves of garlic
  • 1 pkg Au Jus gravy mix
  • 1 pkg of ranch dressing mix
  • 1 pkg french onion mix
  • 1 c water
  • 1 stick of butter

Place Roast in the bottom of the crockpot. Add everything else on and cook on low for 6-8 hours. We love french bread with it.

I am sure after you try this roast recipe you will never try another one again!


Some days are harder than others

Some days are harder than others. This is one of those days. I feel lost this week. Not sure we can afford a wedding, not sure I can make everything I’ve ever wished for, for our wedding work on zero budget. Trying to get a house ready, a backyard ready, planning it all, all in just 1 month. Its freaking me out a bit!

Not sure how I can do it all in this house this week. Making sure everyone has breakfast, getting the kids to school, work, cleaning, dinner, practices, games, laundry, and making everyone feel special and loved all the while drowning in my own to do list.

I think part of it is, Eric and I haven’t had any time just us. We’ve had kids non stop without a date night, our world revolves around our kids. It’s great BUT if we continue we will be right back to where we were in our past life…lost and disconnected. We have so much love for one another but with 7 kids, so many activities, it’s hard. I need OUR time it’s how I survive!

Is it selfish to give ourselves time to regroup? We both have terrible divorce guilt, do others?  These are questions I ask myself every single day!

I’m hoping I can get my mojo back and be the warrior I know I am!

It’s only Tuesday! I have time to turn it around…positive thought, positive mind, positive life!!

Thrifty Thursday

I was raised by parents that believe LOVE over MONEY. I think that is an amazing gift to give a child. LOVE and TIME spent is more important than the things you buy. In the society we live in now, kids want want want. I do get my kids things but I absolutely do not go overboard. I will not raise my child to be greedy. We share everything from a bag of microwave popcorn to clothing and shoes. I am trying hard to raise my kids the way I was raised.

Being a single mom for years really made me become even thriftier. We didn’t have any left over money for much of anything. I was careful with everything I bought. A cute little story I will share is, I asked  my kids to bring home their plastic baggies I would pack their chips and sandwiches in for lunch. I would wash them out, sit them out to dry and reuse them. My sweet middle son saw what I was doing and thought he would help me out and started asking all the kids at his lunch table if he could have their baggies and everyday he would come home with a lunch box full of baggies. I can remember standing in my kitchen crying thinking how kind hearted this little guy was. Still to this day he asks for NOTHING. He didn’t want any new clothes for school, he didn’t want a new pair of shoes and when I told him I had to buy him football cleats he first looked to see if we had an old pair from his older brother.

My sassy little Cissy pretty much only wears hand me downs. I have wonderful friends with daughters a few years older than her and they pass down their clothes to Cissy. She loves them and to her they are brand new. I just told my one girlfriend that  gave her some clothes….knowing these items came from loving homes and sweet girls wore them and they are now wrapped around my daughter warms my heart to no end.

cissy 824

I do not spend a lot on myself either. I believe you need to practice what you preach. I am not one to have expensive purses, shoes, jewelry, clothes, car….anything. Like I said I was not raised that way and I am not going to change. That being said, I love to look good because when you look good you feel good! I try buying things on sale or shop at stores that have designer looks at cheaper prices. I love going on Pinterest and finding cute outfits and then looking for them at a discount price.

I found this cute outfit on Pinterest and looked in my closet to see what I had that would look just as cute.


Here is my version

molly 825

Today I have on skinny jeans from @target, T-shirt from @Old Navy, Shoes from @Ross Dress for Less, My necklaces are all from @Target. I love the layered look that everyone is doing but I just can’t afford some of the higher end pieces and targets are just as stylish

Here is a closer look at the necklaces. Love Love Love them!!

molly3 825


Recipe Wednesday

We love to cook! It’s one thing my mom over at taught me as a child. Food=love. Most all the kids enjoy food and cooking….I said most because there is ONE and I wont name any names but that one child could care less about food, cooking, or learning how to cook. The other 6 enjoy it.

It’s hard to find recipes that all 9 of us like but I have found some that we couldn’t live without. One dinner that they enjoy is Dorito Bake and guacamole.

Most of the ingredients for this recipe are stables you will have in your pantry:

Dorito Bake

2  pounds lean ground beef

1 can black beans

1 10-12 oz bag of Doritos

1 can Ro-tel tomatoes

2 cups Shredded cheddar cheese, divided

1 package of taco seasoning

1 can cream of chicken soup

1/2 cup water

Sour cream for serving

Preheat over to 350 degrees. In a large skillet, brown meat, drain off fat. Stir in beans, tomatoes, taco mix, cream of chicken soup mix, water and simmer. Once all that is combined and heated stir in 1 cup of cheese.

Grease a 9×13 casserole dish. Put down 1 layer of Doritos, followed by meat mixture, sprinkle  cheese on meat mixture, and repeat until all the meat mixture is gone. Bake in the oven for 25 minutes.

Let sit for 5-10 minutes before serving. Top with Sour cream if desired.


There is nothing better than homemade guacamole. You can change this recipe to make it to your tasting but this is what we like.The best part about this recipe is all the kids love helping with the chopping and mixing.

2 ripe avocados

1 lime – squeezed

1 tomato diced

1/8 c chopped red onion

Handful of pickled jalapenos chopped

1 bunch of cilantro chopped

2 cloves of crushed garlic

½ t. cumin

Salt and pepper to taste

mix it all together in a bowl and serve




The day was a success!

School has started but it is still hot in Texas! The kids got home from their first day of school and swam together. They all had mixed reviews on school but I think they all loved it! Eric bought us this wonderful house so we would always have free entertainment for the kids. I think it is good bonding for them too!!


Speaking of swimming, Eric took me out and bought me a swimsuit that I just love! I had never been to an Athleta Store before. Man have I been missing out!I I absolutely love their store. I had so much fun finding a swimsuit and actually he talked me into an adorable black mini skirt too. If your needing something sporty and stylish I would definitely go there. Here is a picture of the swimsuit I got and I have attached the links as well!


e and m at beach

Here is the cute mini skirt. You could run errands in it, go to lunch with girlfriends, or even play tennis in it. It is so versatile.







School is Starting

Where did our summer go?!

Our kids were so blessed to have gone on lots of vacations this summer. We went as a family and stayed in a beach house for a week. Eric’s girls got to go to Oklahoma to stay with their grandma, Mexico with their mom, Colorado with their other family and Maci and her mom went to Africa for 2 weeks to help Dr.’s. My kiddos went with their dad to Arkansas and to spent time with their grandparents at Disney World and the beach. And Eric and I went to Las Vegas for a work convention.  It was such a busy summer and it went SO FAST!!

I can’t believe we are headed in to another school year 2016/17.

We will now have a Junior, Sophomore, Eighth Grader, Seventh Grader, Sixth Grader, Fifth Grader, and Forth Grader. And we will have 7 kids at 5 different schools and in 7 different sports. When I start to think about it I feel a bit anxious but I know it will take one day at a time to get our schedule organized and we will eventually have it down.

Here’s to another amazing school year!!

halls first day of school


The Locker Room

When you are a single mom there are things you never thought you would have to do. One of those things was getting my boys situated in their middle school athletic locker room. It always broke my heart that I was the one that had to go with my boys. I would do anything for my kids…ANYTHING and I will make sure I do the responsibilities for both a mother and a father if I have to.

This year was different. Eric went with us. He waited in line with Riley, He took him in to get his helmet sized, took him into the locker room and found his locker with him. He worked on getting the combination working and spoke to the coaches about questions we had.  Riley got to have a man, a father figure with him to share that special memory with. That makes me feel so proud and happy for Riley and that makes me love Eric even more.


The hardest two days of the year

daddy 1

There are two dates I dread every year. One is August 8th (on a positive, it’s a good day too, Cissy’s birthday) and August 16th.

daddy 3

I woke up August 8th 2013 excited to celebrate Cissy’s 6th birthday. I had her donut cake all ready to go and couldn’t wait to spend the day celebrating her! And then I got the phone call… My mom called me to tell me it was time to get a hold of my brothers and go to the funeral home to make arrangements for my dad. I hung up the phone, I texted my three brothers and asked if they were able to meet me at the funeral home. I then texted Cissy’s dad and asked if he could get the kids for the day and told him of my new plans. The kids got picked up and spent the day with their dad and I left to go to the funeral home alone. My sweet brothers weren’t ready to deal with the fact the one man we loved and admired so much was leaving this earth after a 9 year battle with Cancer. I understood completely, I was in a bit of shock myself but as my father’s daughter I had to be strong…my mom needed this. I stepped out of my car at the funeral home and up walked my beautiful friend. She had lost her father years before from cancer. She told me she wouldn’t let me do this alone. We walked together into the one building I have hated my whole life. I got all the information that was needed and met all the write people and headed to my parents’ house.

We called hospice over and sat and listened to all their information and how the next few days were going to go. They were very kind and loving people. My dad came out and sat in his favorite chair and listened along with us. I think that was one of the worst parts to witness….watching his face as he heard he was about to die. The days that followed were tough. Horrible to be exact. You feel as if you are living in a nightmare. The days are long and the nights are even longer. You can’t sleep because you are so worried something is going to happen if you do. I left my house on August 8th and did not return until August 17th. My mom was losing her best friend, the love of her life. I couldn’t bear to leave her. My kids were with their dad and for that I will be forever grateful.  We had so many people come and visit and bring us food. My dad was an amazing man and so many people wanted to come and say goodbye to him. The love people had for him was glorious to witness but their goodbyes were heartbreaking.  I had my kids come over one last time to kiss their papa and say goodbye, what a heart wrenching sight to see. Days went by and we watched my dad die slowly. We watched his face change, his skin change and as we watched we memorized his features so they would be imbedded into our minds and hearts forever.

August 16th 2013…we got up just like we did every day. We made sure my dad was comfortable, hospice came, they washed his sweet body, they asked us for his favorite t-shirt (Ohio State Buckeyes) and put it on him and left to go about their day. One my one my brothers and sister in-laws came back after work. We all were gathered in the living room talking like we had done for days. My mom walked by her bedroom to join us in the living room but stopped in to check on my dad. She walked out and said he is gone. We all hurried in to see him and gathered around his body and all held hands and one another….he was gone.


He left this earth with his favorite t-shirt on and all of his family in his home, I know he was at peace.


There were so many sad, heartbreaking moments from August 8th –August 16th but one thing that was amazing was we all put our differences aside and we loved and supported one another. We have had differences in our family for year but for those 8 days we were a family again. We cried, we laughed, and we enjoyed one another. I know my dad was ok leaving this earth knowing we had reconnected even if it was for a short time.


It has been 3 years and I still cry and miss him all the time. I miss holding his hand, feeling his skin, and the amazing hugs he gave me when I would walk into my parents’ house. I wish he could come and watch my kids play sports, give them advice, and just be in their presence. I do see my dad in my 4 kids and that is the best gift he could have left me. I still talk to him all the time and I know he hears me.  I know he is proud of the life I have found for myself and my kids. I know he loves Eric and his girls, he might not have met them here on earth but he sees us every day and watches over us.

daddy 4

Thank you dad for showing me love and allowing me to always be your little girl. I will forever treasure my time with you and the memories we created together.

daddy 2


Happy Birthday to my Princess Cissy.

cissy as a baby

I can not believe she is 9. I remember sitting in the hospital holding her just like it was yesterday. Cissy is so fun, spunky, loving, and kind. She loves soccer, music, drawing, and cuddling. How blessed I am that God gave me her to have as my sweet girl. Her brothers adore her which is one of the best gifts any sister could have! We all love your beautiful smile and feisty personality.  From time to time I think she is my Karma but I will take it to have her as my girl.

cissy beauty



He asked and I said YES!!


I always knew we would get married.  I never worried about it once. I know others had their doubts and I understand that. Sure there were times that I wondered if it would ever happened and then I would think to myself… I could never live a day without this man, HE is who I have been waiting for and I knew he felt the same way about me. If ever I had a doubt I knew it was from my own insecurities and past relationship.

We didn’t rush into anything. We dated for 2 ½ years before we moved our families in together and then a year after that we got engaged. We took our time. We love one another and knew there was no reason to rush. If we were young and it was just the two of us, I’m sure we would have been married years ago. BUT it isn’t just the two of us, there are 7 other little heart, minds, and souls we need to love and protect. There is no perfect way to do this blended family thing, all we are doing is trying our best.

Over the years I heard hundreds of times, when are you getting married? And why aren’t you married? At first it stung when I heard those questions but the majority of the time it came from people that have never been divorced so they couldn’t possibly understand  the fear and worry a divorced person has entering into a new second marriage. Let’s be honest, the statistic say 67% of second marriages end in divorce. We both know we hated going through our first divorce we wanted to be darn sure it wasn’t going to happen again!

Eric and I believe in one another but we also believe in our family. That is why it was so important to get engaged with the kids involved. One Friday evening we went to the restaurant where we had our first date and we were talking and laughing and he said to me…It’s time, let’s get married. I laughed and said ok and we went on with our evening. That next morning we got up and he said this is the day we get to pick out your ring. We kept it a secret until we could share the news with the kids.  This marriage  doesn’t just involve the two of us, we are a family of 9. Our kids were gone for a few weeks here and there this summer but we finally found a night where we all would be home together.  Eric said he had a big announcement to make…he told the kids he wanted to talk about next year’s summer vacation. All the kids came running into the room to listen. Instead of talking about a vacation he pulled the ring out of his pocket and announced to the kids we were getting married. They all were excited looked at the ring and then said…So where are we going on vacation….

We all went to dinner that night to celebrate and to send off Maci as she was leaving to go to Africa on a mission trip. Eric and I sat in the middle of the table side by side surrounded by our children. It was loud. They were all talking and laughing with one another. It was a beautiful sight.

A ring, marriage license, or bloodline does not make a family. It is the love, respect, and kindness that you have for one another that creates a family. We have all those things and for that I am so grateful to call this Party of 9 my family.