What is a Blended Family?

So what exactly is the definition of a blended Family:

A blended family is defined as a family made of two parents and their children from previous marriages.

That might be what you would find in the dictionary  (do people even use that word…dictionary… any more?!) but it is much more than that. Here is how I would define our blended family:

Our blended family is made of two parents that had their hearts and families broken by divorce, but knew we wanted to find love again. We want to show our children what real love  looks like. We desire a future of happiness for ourselves and for our children.  We understand that like all families there will be heartache, laughter, highs and lows but through it all we know without a doubt we will make it through because we are all loved and OUR FAMILY always comes first. Our life is full of beauty, challenges, complications, chaos, harmony, roller coastes, bliss, but most of all LOVE. Is it always easy? NO! Is it worth it? Without a doubt YES!

There are many different types of blended families and this is ours:

I(Molly) am a mom of 4 (Connor 15, Riley 12, Caiden 11, and Cissy  8). I met Eric for the first time over wine and we laughed and talked for hours.  Eric is a dad of 3 (Maci 16, Molly 13, and Marley 10). We dated for 2 1/2 years and decided to move in together. We are just about to celebrate our 1 yr anniversary of all 9 of us (plus 2 dogs), living together.  It wasn’t always easy but the love I have found and the transformation we all have made is unbelievably beautiful .

I want to use this blog as a way to journal our ups and downs and real life challenges of our blended family. My hope is that I can bring some insight to people that aren’t familiar with blended families and show them that  just because we are not a traditional family, it does not mean we don’t love and care for one another any less. And as for all you blended families out there, I hope this gives you a sense of peace knowing  you have someone else that gets exactly what you are going through!

Welcome to our Party of 9!




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